Dei Gode Døma: “ICT and the transformation of learning” – Rosamund Sutherland

Prof Rosamund Sutherland, Bristol University, UK

Professor II at UoBergen

Collaboration with Rune Krumsvik.

Good links between UoBergen and UoBristol.  Wishes for collaboration between the authorities in Bristol and HFK. Project: “The Interacitve education project” examine the ways in which ICT could be used in educational settings to enhance learning. The Logo Project introduced her to using the new technologies in the classroom.

ICT is not an IT, it is constantly changing, its a productive tool, information resource, communications tool, entertainment device, at least! It’s not ONE thing.

Our lifes are full of artefacts made of humans, and we creatively adapt them into our activity, we use them to structure our activities. Symbols and material objects = medators.

Learning: all learning activity are mediated by tools, they can be digital or not.

Person + ICT: budget planning, organizing presentations, design posters, google for research, book flights, music – and this is used by “old-timers”. The youngsters use it much more.

BUT: people have to learn to use the tool in a transformative way.

We learn from others, from asking questions, by experiments, ICT gives possibilitites to share what the youngsters are learning.

ICT is a part of our culture. It’s a part of our living rooms, at the dining table… Toys are made that looks like computers.

Talks about research on pre-school kids’ use of ICT. Kids copy what we do. She’s showing photos of grandkids, experimenting and fiddling with her Mac. Kids are VERY influenced by what’s happening in the home, if parents use Facebook, they will learn that thats one of the things we use a computer for, if we use it for work, they will learn that as well.

  • Living is learning
  • Learning involve learning to use new tools (books, computers, calculators)
  • People actively make sense (eksempel dynamisk geometri, forskjeller mellom parallellogram og rektangler, elevene er logiske i sine resonnementer)
  • All learning is influenced by previous learning (elever knyttet en læringssituasjon til terminologi fra spillverdenen… hmm, må jeg lære meg noe om dataspill likevel??)
  • Learning is social and language is the master tool (læreren er den som introduserer elevene til det korrekte språk, eksempel det matematiske språket derfor er det viktig at også lærere i barneskolen KAN det matematiske språket!!!)
  • Teachers orchestrate “learning” in shools, intentional learning (bruk eksisterende teknologi, i stedet for å alltid si “når vi bare får tak i den nye kommende teknologien, så blir alt bra”, gjør det bra med det du har, du bestemmer selv, ikke vær for ambisiøs, og bruk gjerne digital video i din egen profesjonelle utvikling, video papers?)

Project with 50 teachers, 70% experienced enhanced student learning with the use of ICT after participating in this project.

Viser et eksempel med retting i et Word-dokument med “drop-down-menues”, dette har jeg aldri prøvd eller sett, må sjekkes ut.

Students engage with ICT. Analysis of video data showed that young people can work with ICT for long periods of time, investingating their own questions and experimenting with ideas, but there is a creative tension between incidental and intended learning. It is important that the teacher pays attention to what the students are learning (Florence in Italy, Florence in California).

  • There is nothing inherent in ICT that guarantees the intended learning
  • The teacher remains key to the successful use of ICT
  • Learning is distrubuted between the techonology the learner and the social context
  • Techers must be willing to take risks when dealing with and starting with ICT in their teaching.

Nøkkelen er profesjonell utvikling!!!

Scaffolding. The teacher is important, no educational reform can change that.

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